Hannah Montana Sucks

It really bothers me that a couple of years ago I would have bought a ticket to see a show like the Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montana or whatever that girl goes by now. Not only is she completely self-centered she has absolutely no talent. The only reason she's even famous at all is because of her father. And lets face it, achy breaky heart? really? I want my mullet back?! What the HELL?! Of course Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana is completely untalented! She doesn't exactly have it in her genes. But its not like she's doing any work seriously we have the lovely people at Hollywood records writing the songs for her all she has to do is look good and keep brain washing millions of America's little girls so they don't realize how much she actually SUCKS! After all, the only thing that the CEO's at Hollywood records care about is money! They don't care about the corruption of millions of little minds. They just want them to sit in front of their T.V. and watch Hannah Montana and make them listen to what they THINK is music but really doesn't even come close. Of course, it probably is useful to have someone with the IQ of a twelve year old getting up on stage and singing in front of all those girls. That way they're on the same level, intellectually at least. See, this way all these young girls have something to look up to, a role model. Except that now we're breeding little sluts each and every one the same, and they're still letting the media feed them shit about what they should listen to. The music by Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus doesn't mean anything. The American Population, most of it anyway, deserves to hear something that's meaningful and sticks to them. Lyrics that make a statement and don't just support slutty behavior, or say that life is meaningless just because a boy doesn't like you. Hey, just so you know its probably because you act like Miley Cyrus.

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