
Dr. Victoria Maizes is the executive director of the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and a professor of medicine, family medicine and public health at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.

Dr. Maizes is internationally recognized as a leader in integrative medicine and is committed to pioneering change efforts that solve US health care system problems. Together with her team at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine she created and implemented a national, scalable education model that teaches physicians lifestyle change; developed an innovative, integrative primary care clinical model and is carrying out a comparative effectiveness trial exploring clinical and cost outcomes; and is developing noninvasive research tools that measure health and well-being as well as the impact of place on health. She is editor of the Oxford University textbook Women's Integrative Health and the author of Be Fruitful: The Essential Guide to Maximizing Fertility and Giving Birth to a Healthy Child. In 2009, she was named one of the world's 25 intelligent optimists by ODE magazine.



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