
Carmen Rios is a fresh and fierce feminist voice.

A decade of successful work in the feminist movement—as a writer, editor, and digital activist—has earned Carmen the titles of “digital native,” “petulant and idiotic,” “intimidating to some,” and “vapid and uninteresting.” She is the Digital Editor at Ms. magazine and Contributing Editor at Argot Magazine, of which she is a co-founder. She currently hosts a live interview series with feminist luminaries on Facebook and is the former co-host and co-producer of THE BOSSY SHOW, a political talk show for young women.

Carmen’s writing has appeared in print and online at BuzzFeed, BITCH, ElixHER, MEL, and Feministing, among others. She was previously the Feminism Editor, Social Media Co-Director, and Community Director at Autostraddle; a blogger and activist with the SPARK Movement; a contributor at Everyday Feminism and Mic; and Managing Editor of THE LINE Campaign blog.

When she isn’t amplifying the feminist movement, Carmen is found at its frontlines. While at SPARK, she launched the successful—and viral—#EducateCoaches campaign in the wake of Steubenville; she has also crafted and implemented successful digital media strategies at organizations like Hollaback!, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, and the Feminist Majority Foundation.

A nationally-recognized thought leader, Carmen frequently appears in media and at events to speak on feminist issues. Her work has been covered by the Washington Post and the Guardian. She has been profiled by the New York Times, BITCH, and HerCampus, spoken on NPR, and been forced to wear make-up on CNN, Good Morning America, and the Early Show. She has delivered addresses and led workshops at the National Conference on Sexual Assault, the National Young Feminist Leadership Conference, the Momentum Conference, A-Camp, and the National Women’s Studies Association Conference, and her crowning achievement is that she was once on a panel with Gloria Steinem.

Carmen once received an email from a man she never met describing her voice as reminiscent of “Joe Camel the day after a bender.” She is mother to the most adorable dog on Earth and keeps a file folder full of hate mail on her desk.

Articles, Publications, Appearances