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Unspinning the Spin
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Unspinning the Spin: The Women's Media Center Guide to Fair and Accurate Language is a searchable online resource on the background, current uses, accuracy, nonbiased alternatives, and best practices for choosing and de-coding commonly used words and phrases. It goes beyond the scope of a dictionary or thesaurus to mine a wide variety of fields for accurate, inclusive, creative, and clear words and phrases. As a compendium that is easy to consult, practical, informative–and funny!–it is indispensable for everyday use.

Unspinning the Spin: The Women's Media Center Guide to Fair and Accurate Language is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary guide to words and phrases—their meanings, sources, backgrounds, suggested uses, and nonsexist, nonracist alternatives. It’s a guide for journalists and editors in the United States and other countries, for writers creating their own media and for government officials creating policy, for students and teachers at all levels, for activists, workers in communication fields, and for any reader who loves the English language. The guide is searchable for easy use, with cross-references to related words, phrases, and issues.

Rosalie Maggio, a distinguished authority on language for more than 25 years, is the author of Unspinning the Spin: The Women's Media Center Guide to Fair and Accurate Language. Women’s Media Center co-founders Robin Morgan and Gloria Steinem wrote the preface.

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